Our Services


Sport Performance Training

Training top athletes to take their performance to the next level! Customized program designed to create top-TIER athletes.


Dedicated time with the trainer focused on your specific needs

Commitment Programs
3-6-12 Months

  • Initial Consultation with Assessment

  • Tailored program to meet your athletic needs and goals

  • Additional workouts to do on your own and be elite

  • Nutritional guidance to stay fueled and perform at your best

  • Monthly body composition evaluations

  • Scheduling flexibility

  • Access to the Prime To Perform Fitness App (additional workouts, tips, nutrition and MORE)

  • $850-$1700/mo

5-10-20 Sessions

  • Initial Consultation with Assessment

  • Tailored program to meet your athletic needs and goals

  • One additional workout

  • Nutritional guidance to stay fueled and perform at your best

  • Monthly body composition evaluations

  • $550-$2000

Small Group

Groups of 2-4 people with common fitness goals with tailored workouts

5-10-20 Sessions

  • Initial Consultation with Assessment

  • Tailored program to meet your athletic needs and goals

  • One additional workout

  • Nutritional guidance to stay fueled and perform at your best

  • Monthly body composition evaluations

  • $400-$1450

Personal training

Whether you need to up your game for a specific reason or need guidance to get more from your workouts, we’ve got you covered.


Dedicated time with the trainer focused on your specific needs

Commitment Programs
3-6-12 Months

  • Initial Consultation with Assessment

  • Tailored program to meet your athletic needs and goals

  • Additional workouts to do on your own and be elite

  • Nutritional guidance to stay fueled and perform at your best

  • Monthly body composition evaluations

  • Scheduling flexibility

  • Access to the Prime To Perform Fitness App (additional workouts, tips, nutrition and MORE)

  • $685-1375/mo

5-10-20 Sessions

  • Initial Consultation with Assessment

  • Tailored program to meet your athletic needs and goals

  • One additional workout

  • Nutritional guidance to stay fueled and perform at your best

  • Monthly body composition evaluations

  • $425-$1600

Small Group

Groups of 2-4 people with common fitness goals with tailored workouts

5-10-20 Sessions

  • Initial Consultation with Assessment

  • Tailored program to meet your athletic needs and goals

  • One additional workout

  • Nutritional guidance to stay fueled and perform at your best

  • Monthly body composition evaluations

  • $300-$1100

Sport Performance Classes

Elevate your athleticism while pushing your teammates to do the same


Intermediate (Ages 11-14) / Advanced (Ages 15+)

Times: Intermediate -5:30pm / Advanced -6:30pm

  • $320



  • $400

corporate wellness

You want your employees to be healthy and happy so they are productive and effective in their work.

Our program offers tailored workouts including strength training, mobility work, and the promotion of physical and mental wellbeing. We want your employees to thrive.

Bronze Package

*Minimum 3 People 

  • Lunch Time Class (or Designated Time)

  • 1x/week

  • One Monthly Body Measurement Scan

  • Food/Nutrition Guidance

  • $200/mo per person

Silver Package

*Minimum 3 People 

  • Lunch Time Class (or Designated Time)

  • 2x/week

  • One Monthly Body Measurement Scan

  • Food/Nutrition Guidance

  • $350/mo per person

Gold Package

*Minimum 3 People

  • Lunch Time Class (or Designated Time)

  • 3x/week

  • One Monthly Body Measurement Scan

  • Food/Nutrition Guidance

  • $450/mo per person


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

