Privacy policy.

California Consumer Privacy Act Policy

Last Updated (Feb 15, 2023)

This page provides specific information to California residents as per the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”). The CCPA gives consumers in California additional rights and protections about how we use their personal information, whether collected online or offline, and this page is intended to satisfy that requirement.


Our Privacy Policy further describes our practices, data & personal information collection details.

Under the CCPA, “personal information” is any information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular resident or household.

Notice at Collection: Categories of Personal Information that We Collect or Disclose

Below is the list of categories of personal information about California residents that we collect and/or disclose to third parties or service providers for a business purpose.

California Residents’ Rights

California law grants all the residents in California certain rights and enforces certain restrictions on particular business practices as mentioned below:

Do-Not-Sell: We don’t sell your personal information.

Initial Notice:  Before we collect any personal information, the categories of personal information, and the purposes of using this information from California residents, we are required to notify them at or before the point of data collection.

Verifiable Requests for Copy, Deletion, and Right to Know: Except a few things, California residents have the right to make the following requests, at no charge:

Right of Deletion: California residents have the right to request the deletion of their personal information subject to certain exemptions, and to have such information deleted, except where obligatory that we maintain such personal information in order to:

  • Providing goods or services requested by the consumer, complete the transaction for which the personal information was collected, or practically expected within the context of a business’s ongoing relationship with the consumer, or otherwise perform a contract between the business and the consumer.

  • Protect against malicious, spam, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity; detect security issues, or prosecute those responsible for that activity.

  • Identify and fix errors that damage existing intended functionality.

  • Exercise freedom of speech, ensure free speech & rights of another consumer as provided by law.

  • Comply with the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act pursuant to Chapter 3.6 (commencing with Section 1546) of Title 12 of Part 2 of the Penal Code.

  • Open to public or peer-reviewed scientific, historical, or statistical research in the public interest that follows to all other applicable privacy laws & ethics when the businesses’ ignore the deletion of the information which is likely to render impossible or seriously damage the achievement of such research if the consumer has provided informed consent.

  • Comply with a legal obligation.

  • Otherwise use the personal information of a consumer, internally, in a lawful manner that is compatible with the context in which the consumer provided the information.

Please note that most of the personal information that we collect falls into the foregoing exemptions.

Right to a Copy:  The right to request a copy of the specific pieces of personal information that we have collected (up to twice every 12 months) about them in the prior 12 months and to have this delivered, free of any charge, either (a) electronically in a portable, feasible, readily useable format that allows the consumers to transmit this information to another entity without any interruption or (b) by mail. For security reasons, certain highly sensitive types of personal information, such as social security numbers, driving license numbers, and bank account details, will not be provided but we will inform you if we may have collected this information during such 12-month period.

Right to Know:  The right to request (up to twice every 12 months) personal information that we use and how we have handled it in the prior 12 months, including the:

  • categories of personal information collected;

  • categories of sources of personal information;

  • business and/or commercial purposes for collecting and selling their personal information (If any);

  • categories of third parties/with whom we have disclosed or shared their personal information;

  • categories of personal information that we have disclosed or shared with a third party for a business purpose;

  • categories of personal information collected; and

  • categories of third parties to whom the residents’ personal information has been sold and the specific categories of personal information sold to each category of the third party. (If any)

Submitting Requests: Your request to exercise the right to deletion, right to a copy, and/or the right to know may be emailed at 

Incentives and Discrimination: We don’t offer any financial incentives to California residents related to their personal information. The CCPA prohibits discrimination against California residents for exercising their rights under the CCPA. If businesses offer any financial incentives for the collection, sale or deletion of their personal information, residents have the right to be notified of any financial incentives offers

Discrimination: Businesses in California may not discriminate against residents who exercise their rights under CCPA. Discrimination means when a business refuses or provides a different level or quality of goods or services, or charges (or suggests that it will charge) different prices or rates or impose penalties on residents who exercise their CCPA rights unless doing so is reasonably related to the value provided to the business by the residents’ information.



Your user privacy and security is of the highest concern. We are committed to providing you with the best possible user experience.

What do we mean by privacy? We will never disclose your personally identifiable information without your consent which means we will not sell, trade, loan; or otherwise make available your personal or contact information to anyone unless you give us specific permission.

Here’s how we collect and use information from you in our efforts to provide the highest quality user experience:

IP Address: Your IP or “Internet Protocol” address and other site usage data is used to gather broad demographic information. This data helps us serve you better by telling us how visitors use our website.

Cookies: Our site uses “cookies,” small files stored by your browser, to help keep track of site visits. Our cookies do not collect personally identifiable information, nor do we share them with anyone. We use cookies to track user trends and improve the areas of our site that our users find valuable.

Registration: We use customer contact information from registration forms to send you information related to our products and services if you consent to receive such mailings. We may also use your information to contact you when necessary for the administration of your account. We use your email address as a unique identifier in our record system to verify communications from you and to send you newsletters that you ask to receive or to tell you about changes to the website.

Children: Prime To Perform Fitness. does not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under 13 years of age. Additionally, we are not aware of any content on our website that would be considered harmful to children. If Prime To Perform Fitness. learns that we have inadvertently gathered Personal Information from children under 13, we will erase such information from our records and terminate the applicable account.

Security: is protected from any malicious attacks because we do a daily malware scan on our website

Third-party Websites: While on the site, you may be led to other websites. Be aware that other sites may collect data and personal information and operate according to their own privacy practices. Please remember that, once outside of our site, any information you submit is outside of our control.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

(last updated May 08, 2020)

Prime To Perform Fitness. reserves the right to change or revise the privacy policy at any time that shall be effective immediately. However, the date of modification will be posted.


Prime To Perform Fitness. is not responsible if any password provided is obtained by a third party.


These Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”) apply exclusively to your access to and use of this website (the “Site”).

If you do not agree with any of these Terms of Use, do not access or otherwise use this Site or any information or materials contained on the Site. Your use of the Site shall be deemed to be your agreement to abide by each of the terms set forth below.

Use of Copyrighted Materials/Trademarks Any materials on the Site, including without limitation any documentation, content, text, data, graphics, images, video and audio clips, interfaces or other materials, information or works of authorship (collectively the “Materials”) are copyrighted materials owned by or licensed to Prime To Perform Fitness. All rights are reserved.

Except as otherwise noted in the Site, you are hereby authorized to view, download, cache, copy and print the Materials solely for your personal, non-commercial use and not for resale or further distribution, subject to the following conditions: 1. Any copy of the Materials or portion thereof must include all copyright notices appearing on the original. 2. Prime To Perform Fitness. reserves the right to revoke such authorization at any time, and any such use by you shall be discontinued immediately upon notice from Prime To Perform Fitness.

Nothing contained in the Site shall be construed as conferring any license or right under any copyright, trade secret, patent, trademark or other intellectual property rights (“IP Rights”) of Prime To Perform Fitness., its affiliates, or any third party, and, except as expressly provided herein, all such IP Rights in the Materials on the Site are expressly reserved to Prime To Perform Fitness., its affiliates, and/or any third party, as applicable.

Hyperlinks to this Site You are granted a limited, nonexclusive right to create a “hypertext” link to the Site provided that such link is to the entry or home page of this Site and does not portray Prime To Perform Fitness. or any of its products or services in a false, misleading, derogatory, or otherwise defamatory manner. This limited right may be revoked by Prime To Perform Fitness. at any time for any reason whatsoever. You may not use, frame, or utilize framing techniques to enclose any Prime To Perform Fitness. trademark, logo or trade name or other proprietary information including the Materials found at or on the Site, the content of any text or the layout/design of any page of the Site or any form contained on a page of the Site without the express written consent of Prime To Perform Fitness. in each instance. In addition, you may not use any meta-tags or any other “hidden text” utilizing Prime To Perform Fitness. or Prime To Perform Fitness. affiliate name, trademark, or product name without Prime To Perform Fitness. express written consent in each instance.

Links to Third-Party Websites The Site may be linked to other websites on the World Wide Web or Internet that are not affiliated with, under the control of, or otherwise maintained by Prime To Perform Fitness. If you use these links, you may leave the Site. Prime To Perform Fitness. has not reviewed any of these third-party sites and does not control and is not responsible for any of these sites or their content. Prime To Perform Fitness. does not endorse or make any representations about third-party sites or any information, software or other products or materials found there, or any results that may be obtained from using them. If you decide to access any of the third party sites linked to the Site, you do so entirely at your own risk.


Prime To Perform Fitness. makes no, and hereby disclaims all, warranties, express, implied and statutory, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of third party rights, compliance with Federal, State and local regulations, the accuracy, timeliness, relevance, reliability or completeness of the Site or the Materials or any other warranties regarding the Site, Materials or the quality, suitability, truth, accuracy, timeliness, relevance and completeness of any content or other Materials contained on the Site. You acknowledge and agree that Prime To Perform Fitness. does not warrant that access to the Site will be uninterrupted, or error-free. The Site is made available “as is” and “with all faults.”


Prime To Perform Fitness. shall not be liable to you or any third-party claiming through you for any damages in connection with your use of the Site, your inability to use the Site, or any content appearing on the Site. In no event will Prime To Perform Fitness. be liable to you or any third-party claiming through you for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, punitive, special or incidental damages, including without limitation, damages arising from claims related to personal injury or death, loss of data, lost revenue, lost profits, loss of use or other economic advantages, change in applicable government regulations, regardless of the form of the action and regardless of whether Prime To Perform Fitness. has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Notwithstanding the foregoing limitations, in no event will the total, cumulative liability of Prime To Perform Fitness. for damages under these Terms of Use exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00). Certain jurisdictions might not allow limitations on implied warranties, or the exclusion or limitation of certain damages. If these laws apply, some or all of the above disclaimers, exclusions, or limitations, may not apply to you, and you may have additional rights to those contained herein.

Revisions to these Terms of Use: You agree that Prime To Perform Fitness. can revise these Terms of Use at any time without notice by updating this posting on the Site. You agree that your continued use of the Site after such modifications have been made constitutes your acceptance of such revised Terms of Use.

General Provisions Enforcement of these Terms of Use will be governed by California law, excluding its conflict and choice of law principles. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any claims arising out of or related to these Terms of Use or your use of the Site will lie in the state or federal courts located in Escondido, California and you irrevocably agree to submit to the jurisdiction of such courts. The failure of Prime To Perform Fitness. to enforce any right or provision in these Terms of Use will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by Prime To Perform Fitness. in writing. In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of these Terms of Use to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect.